& events

Thriving in Church Ministry Cohort

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In-Person or Online

Fall 2024

The Thriving Church Ministries Cohort is designed exclusively for pastors and ministry leaders looking to thrive in their personal and professional lives. We focus on personal and spiritual development in the context of authentic community and mentorship.

When you start this program, you join a community of peers and experienced mentors. Together you will explore tools and discover practices that will allow you to move beyond survival mode into holistic thriving in life and ministry.

This ten-month program combines the best of in-person gatherings and virtual sessions to enhance accessibility and ensure affordability.

Our programs include:

  • Hybrid Cohorts: Meet in person for kick off and closing retreats and virtually the rest of the year
  • Spanish-speaking Cohorts: Based in Cleveland with virtual cohort meetings, these cohorts serve Hispanic/Latinx pastors and ministry leaders
  • Certificate in Transitional Leadership: Two-year virtual cohorts designed to equip you to lead your thriving in ministry cohorts for your church or community
  • Thriving in Seminary Cohorts: for ATS students (*free for qualifying students)


We are currently offering registration for three separate cohorts (see links below). If you have questions about the cohorts, please email Karen Reaume at

Thriving in Church Ministries