Making the Transition from Your Current Career to a Calling in Ministry

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It can often be difficult to discern if God is calling you to a deeper level of ministry.


After years of wrestling with what he thought God wanted him to do with his life, in the spring of 1993, John Swope and his wife decided they were going for it. Regardless of circumstances, that summer they would leave their home in south Florida and move to a small town in Ohio to attend seminary in the fall.


Within a few weeks he resigned his tenured teaching position, accepted a bid to sell their house, and promptly found out they were expecting their third child.


There was a sudden catch of breath, some icy fear in the gut, a bit of panic about the great unknowns, and then a remarkable peace settled in. They didn’t understand how the terror wasn’t overwhelming, but they took it as a sign that the move was something that God was truly directing.


They sold their house, packed all their belongings and two children in a rental truck, and drove 1200 miles north.


In this guide, Dr. Swope, Director of Field Education and Assistant Professor of Practical Theology details his own journey from a career as a middle school teacher to a calling to full-time ministry.


Along the way, you’ll also learn how to begin the process of discerning if you’re experiencing a similar call by looking at the various ways God called his followers in the Scriptures.

From Career to Calling book

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